
Auto Leveling System For Wafer Transfer

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ALS SYSTEM auto leveling system

Auto Leveling System (ALS) For Wafer Transfer adjustment

  • Measure 2 horizontal movement ( X, Y)
  • Sampling frequency: Standard: 100Hz; Customized: 200Hz
  • Wafer Size:8”、12”
  • Excellent AVS software performace
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Auto Leveling System For Wafer Transfer process

Product Introduction

An auto-leveling system measures X, Y horizontal movement using a combination of sensors and techniques to enhance precision, to ensure stability and safety during wafer transfer process and increase yield.


Measurement of:
Wafer casette
Wafer automation handling robots
Wafer calibration equipment
Load locks
Wafer pins
Process chamber pedestrals

Technical Data Sheet

Measurement typeX/Y horizontal level 
Materialsilicon/carbon fiber
Sampling frequencySampling frequency: Standard: 100Hz; Customized: 200Hz
Measurement rangeHorizaontalX,Y  ±90°(± 0.01° )
Connection typebluetooth
Size200mm、300mm (8”、12”)
ThicknessCentral:6.6mm;edge: 0.65mm ;Customized: 3.5mm
ALS softwareMeasure and show datas of X,Y movement at real-time
Data analyzerALS-configured computure